Credit Building Tools*

*Included with Member Monitoring


Tips and Tricks

  • See how payments can increase your score
  • Know when to apply for credit
  • Know the right time to repay
  • Balance spending between accounts


Visualize the trends!

  • Credit Score: Summarizes your overall credit status
  • Auto Score: Shows creditworthiness for vehicle loans
  • Insurance Score: Displays creditworthiness for insurance
  • Hiring Risk Index: Shows creditworthiness for employment based on authorized background checks


120 days to better credit

  • See what’s helping and hurting your score
  • Get a personalized plan to improve your credit health
  • Take action to address negative accounts*
  • Resolve credit reporting problems

* This feature unlocks if you have negative credit data


Like a personal assistant!

  • Our Action buttons give you the ability to quickly communicate with the institutions on your credit report.
  • Request goodwill corrections

  • Address credit report errors

  • Report fraud

  • Offer to settle a debt

Money Manager

Your money in one place

  • Easily link bank, investment, loan, and credit card accounts
  • Get instant statements
  • See transactions, payments due, spending trends, and utilization
  • Ask questions and resolve problems directly with creditors
  • Get alerted of transactions over a specific $ amount that you set
  • Flag unauthorized transactions with our patent-protected Actions


Online Credit Monitoring

  • New accounts and inquiries
  • Change in account status
  • Suspicious activity
  • Score improvement
  • Monthly credit updates
  • Money Manager transactions
  • Payments due

Fraud Insurance

$1MM protection for the family

  • Zero Deductible, $1 Million Coverage
  • Bank, savings, brokerage, lines of credit, and credit cards
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for ID recovery
  • Credit reports
  • Unsuspected pre-existing identity fraud
  • Replacement costs of stolen driver’s license and passport


Take back control of your online privacy!

  • Get notified when your personal information is found on data broker websites
  • Request the removal of your data
  • Maintain your privacy with active and continual
  • Web scanning

Smart Reports

Actions, Money, and more...

  • Easy advanced view
  • Move to different areas of your report with ease
  • Take Action directly from your accounts
  • Link to Money Manager to view transactions

3-Bureau Credit Report and Scores

The Dispute Wizard Integration

This report provides the Dispute Wizard with everything it needs to make credit repair fast and easy.

The Dispute Wizard will import all 3 credit bureau reports and scores, identify every negative account, and create a strategy to remove them.

Creating an account with The Dispute Wizard and linking a credit report is simple.