Why this will interest you
This is crucial because many consumers have suffered due to incorrect and unverifiable medical bills on their credit profiles. We should should ensure they aren’t unfairly burdened with debts they don’t rightfully owe. At Credilife®, this is the kind of work we specialize in. After conducing a comprehensive evaluation of your personal credit profile, we strive to ensure the accuracy and verifiability of reported information, especially that which is negatively impacting your credit profile. We also identify areas for improvement and provide tailored recommendations for credit building and account management. Our ultimate objective is to empower our clients with successes that pave the way for a brighter and more secure financial future.
Important News from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a report that talks about the problems many American families face when debt collectors chase them for medical bills they might not even owe. The report focuses on the 8,500 complaints that people, including servicemembers and older adults, made in 2022 about medical debt collections. It also explains how the CFPB and states are working together to stop the collection of wrong or inaccurate medical bills. Additionally, it mentions what’s happening in the broader debt collection market and what the CFPB and other federal agencies are doing to protect people from unfair and tricky debt collection practices.
Why Is This Important?
Lots of people are being hounded by debt collectors for medical bills, and this report shines a light on the problem of collecting bills that are wrong or not even owed. The CFPB has previously found that the collection of medical bills is often filled with mistakes.
What the Report Revealed
In 2022, the CFPB got thousands of complaints about medical debt collection. People were upset because they were being asked to pay bills that were already paid, were not really their responsibility, or were for the wrong amount. Sometimes, collectors started chasing these bills long after the medical services were provided, even decades later. Some collectors even put these bills on people’s credit reports without asking them first. Surprisingly, even servicemembers and older adults faced these problems, even though they usually have insurance and access to reduced-cost healthcare.
What You Need to Know
Read the report, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act CFPB Annual Report 2023.