
September 9, 2022

The Anatomy of an 800 FICO Score

A decent credit score can open the door to many financial benefits. But, with just a “decent” score your options are still going to be capped. […]
September 4, 2022

What Is The New Credit Bureau Policy on Medical Collections?

On March 18th, 2022 Equifax, Experian and TransUnion issued a joint press release, which Equifax’s CEO, Mark Begor, posted on his LinkedIn page. The press release announced […]
September 3, 2022

Should I Ever Co-sign For Credit?

When I write articles about credit I rarely give my personal opinions on the topic. I generally believe that adults should make adult decisions on their […]
August 28, 2022

Why is VantageScore Different From FICO Credit Scores?

One of the most prevalent myths in the world of consumer credit is that we all have a single, three digit credit score. Nothing could be […]
August 21, 2022

Is Co-Signing a Loan a Good Idea?

Those of you who follow my writings, blogs, vlogs, and speaking engagements know I rarely give my personal opinions about credit-related issues. Whether it’s credit repair […]
August 14, 2022

Does Paying a Collection Improve Your Credit Scores?

Working to restore damaged credit scores is a little bit like solving a puzzle. People often look at their credit reports to find out what information […]
August 8, 2022

Do I Still Owe Money on a Charged Off Account?

The world of credit is full of funny terms and acronyms that consumers may find confusing. One example is the term charge off. Some people see […]
August 1, 2022

Will Adding Utility and Rental History Raise My Credit Scores?

If you research credit-building strategies, you’re sure to come across advice recommending that you work to add positive accounts to your credit reports. And while new […]
April 3, 2022

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