Credit Scores

September 21, 2023

Reducing the Impact of Medical Debt on Credit and the Importance of Good Health in Your Financial Journey

Introduction: For those of you who’ve faced expensive medical challenges, the recent actions taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are a step further in […]
September 5, 2023

Navigating Student Loan Payments: Your Guide to a Smooth Restart

Hello, fellow financial explorers! 🌟 October is just around the corner, and with it comes an important change for millions of federal student loan borrowers. After […]
September 23, 2022

Things That Do Not Influence Your Credit Scores

Paying close attention to factors that can influence your credit scores is a smart move, especially considering their importance. Whether you want to open a new credit card, […]
September 16, 2022

Installment And Revolving Debt Affect Scores Differently

If you’ve ever researched methods of improving your credit scores you undoubtedly found hundreds or thousands of articles with tidbits of advice. Ubiquitous to almost all […]
September 9, 2022

The Anatomy of an 800 FICO Score

A decent credit score can open the door to many financial benefits. But, with just a “decent” score your options are still going to be capped. […]
September 4, 2022

What Is The New Credit Bureau Policy on Medical Collections?

On March 18th, 2022 Equifax, Experian and TransUnion issued a joint press release, which Equifax’s CEO, Mark Begor, posted on his LinkedIn page. The press release announced […]
September 3, 2022

Should I Ever Co-sign For Credit?

When I write articles about credit I rarely give my personal opinions on the topic. I generally believe that adults should make adult decisions on their […]
August 28, 2022

Why is VantageScore Different From FICO Credit Scores?

One of the most prevalent myths in the world of consumer credit is that we all have a single, three digit credit score. Nothing could be […]
August 21, 2022

Is Co-Signing a Loan a Good Idea?

Those of you who follow my writings, blogs, vlogs, and speaking engagements know I rarely give my personal opinions about credit-related issues. Whether it’s credit repair […]
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